Hugh’s HandBuilt – Get to Know Us

“Hugh” of Hugh’s HandBuilt got his start in fabrication working in the off-road industry.  Using what he learned there, and with the help of a degree in Product Design – Hugh’s HandBuilt was born…


Hugh’s HandBuilt focuses on Products for the garage builder and professional builder alike.  We pride ourselves on offering the best products and services at the right value.

We have Hugh’s HandBuilt designed and manufactured products in our store, and offer a few mail-in exchange services as well such as XS650 Rephasing, lathe and mill work, custom fabrication and welding, as well as full XS650 Engine Builds.

We pride ourselves in offering great parts and products, as well as killer tech articles for all you folks to read through and then gather the confidence to go tackle a build project yourself.

So whatever your needs may be for your custom build, we have you covered.  Just don’t come to us for oil changes, tires, points adjustments, tune-ups, or that kind of stuff – that’s on you…